Sunday, September 21, 2014

Asus Zenwatch

Asus ZenWatch!
After owning the LG G Watch, and the Samsung Gear Live What's Next?
Asus or Moto?
The Moto360 was the initial choice after watching the release of Android Wear.  Then I got the itch.  The feeling of I need one now.  I decided not to wait but to get the Samsung gear live.  After visiting every local "Big Box" store and not finding a Gear live, I settled.  I purchased the Square Block (LG G Watch) and was pleasantly surprised by the functionality, and how it was actually comfortable.  After about a week I could no longer stand the very Blah look, so I returned it and purchased the Samsung Gear Live.
The Gear Live felt surprisingly "Premium" after wearing the G Watch, and peoples reactions to it were very positive.  I still get the "what is that on your wrist" question about once a week, but it is asked with more curiosity than the way I was asked about the G Watch.  I was nervous about the battery life with only a 300 Mah battery compared to the LG G Watch 400, but was pleasantly surprised that it actually seems to last longer.  Both the G Watch and the Gear Live batteries did seem to improve after the first few charges, and both have no problem getting through an entire day without worry.
LG has already created their second watch in the Android Wear line up, but with its late 80's early 90's look it is very forgetable to me.  As with phones and other tech the urge to change your timepiece when you see the latest and greatest model appear on the market is tempting.  As Android Wear evolves as a platform, the timepiece's available will also evolve and improve.  With Samsung's evolution we have found refined looks, water resistance, and a better operating system.  For now I will hold onto my Samsung Gear Live.  I will patiently wait to see if Samsung, or the aftermarket come out with a better charging method for the Gear Live.  I will also wait to see what other watches hit the market to further complicate the "Whats next" decision.  In past generations you would hand down your high end timepiece to the next generation, but now we find ourselves not feeling like anything has a connection to us.  The highest bidder on Craig's list wins, and we move on.  Soon I am sure I will be making a post to find the high bidder and move on to the next upgrade.  What will your next Android Wear be, and why?  

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