Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chromebooks in Schools!

      I don't normally post someone else's article into my blog but I feel strongly enough about this one that I felt it was appropriate.  I sent a facebook msg. to the author Karl Rivers who founded ClassThink in 2013.  Karl is a school Network Manager and IT Lead Professional based near London, England.  One of the paragraphs in his article read as follows "The building shows all the wear of decades of students passing through these corridors. A rusty radiator hangs limply from the wall, window frames are swollen and peeling from damp, and the corridors are narrow and dark..
There are no futuristic open plan spaces, no airport lounge style reception, and there isn’t a curved wall to be found. Only the colourful posters proudly announcing the school’s technological achievements give any hint as to what is inside."  
As a parent of three little girls this hit me.  We live in a great small city in NH; however the finances are very tight in our school district.  I know my city is far from the worst off in the US, but I am very concerned about the future of my girls, and all of the kids in this great small American city.  Please take a moment to read the following article and see how it may relate to your town.

A special thanks to Karl Rivers who wrote this inspiring article.  

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