Saturday, December 27, 2014

It's all about the Face!

Moto 360 It's all about the Face!

   After a couple of months using the Moto 360 I have to say I am impressed.  It is my third smart watch, and is by far the best I have owned.  I am finding it is truly all about the face.  I simply mean that whether you are looking for an easy to glance at view of the time, being able to see notifications quickly, or the most important thing battery life it is all based on the face you are using.  The stock faces that come with the watch are nice; however after a couple of weeks they get a little boring.  Kind of a silly thing since a person wearing a normal watch is perfectly content with one face for the entire life of the watch.  I think today's tech consumer naturally has a short attention span, and is expecting more.  With the stock app. (Moto Connect) you can modify the stock faces, but you are limited in what you can do.  The stock faces will allow for the longest battery life, but will not achieve that fresh look feeling of joy that we get with some of the other faces.
I started using several new faces around the same time I traded my leather band Moto 360 for the Steel band Moto 360.  Since this time I have received several positive comments on my watch, so I am not sure if it is the band, or the faces I have chosen but it is nice to hear the positive input.  Now the downside.  With the "non-stock" faces the battery life tends to take a hit.  It seems like it may have something to do with the additional features that come with them (date, temp, battery life meter, etc.) but I still make it easily through a day on one charge, and typically still have about 25%-35% left at the end of the day.  My day typically starts around 6:30 a.m. and ends around 10:30 p.m. As Android Wear evolves, so will the applications and I am sure we will see battery life and performance improve with the evolution.  Some of the more plain faces are my preference for daily use, but it is nice to occasionally install a custom picture of my kids, or an imitation luxury watch face to my timepiece.  For the developers out there Keep up the good work! Here are a few of my "GO TO FACES".